18th Birthday is an important day in the life. Do not miss this 18th birthday to send your 18th Birthday Wishes and Messages or birthday greeting cards to your daughter, son or special one. When they start to step into a greater wisdom ages. At age 18, the baby will get many of life’s challenges. Please, select in the most beautiful greeting to send to someone with this 18th birthday. They will be very happy because of wishes, the message meaning that you spend for them. You can also choose a birthday card and send it to their Facebook.
18th Birthday Wishes and Messages for Someone
1. A lovely birthday princess with such enchanting ways
2. Happy 18th birthday wishes. A wonderful life is waiting for you.
A great life is waiting for you. Actions speak louder than words, so I bought you a birthday gift.
2. We now define our own worlds and live
Welcome to the world of fun and hold. Let all your imagination and dream come true. I wish you an 18-year-old Happy birthday!
3. As you turn 18 today
Remember the rights of freedom and responsibility is the right decision. 18-year-old birthday congratulations and welcome to the adult.
4. Tilly 18 eighteen celebration
You can start driving and voting when you are 18 years old, but this is the last time to cry because you must bring the milk to get what you want! Welcome to the youth and wanted to congratulate you on your 18 birthday.
5. An 18th Birthday comes with a lot of baggage.
I wish you a wonderful birthday and hope you get everything you expect. Special anniversary of your most meaningful way
6. What is a birthday
Happy 18th birthday, be mature and responsible. Bring it all and have a great day to adapt to adulthood.
8. Happy 18th birthday messages Niece
Now you’re 18, remember that the world is full of flaws and obstacles. Do they hinder success and your happiness?
9. Life enjoy – life happy
Growing up means moving from situations childhood into adult decisions. Good luck when converting and happy 18th birthday.
10. Don’t let small issues
Now 18 and officially an adult, do not forget that I will always be your mother and expects you to respect and listen to me no matter how much you have fresh.
11. I am glad to see you happy after passing 17 years
Happy 18th Birthday my best friend! Whether there are any problems occurring in the future, I still always there to help you.
12. Hope your day is everything – 18th birthday messages
I hope your 18th birthday extravaganza and exciting. Tonight I will be the same ones you have a special birthday unforgettable.
13. You’re no longer a kid to make pranks
14. You’re like a shining star that shines the brightest
A young girl becomes a woman, on her 18th birthday. Welcome to for women and all the wonderful and exciting things come with it.
15. Better make a good wish than a party
Your 18th birthday is the reason to start a life and a new beginning. Take advantage and seize all the opportunities in your future.
16. A whole lotta happiness and sweet surprises
Tonight is the night to celebrate your 18th birthday my best. Let’s party organization together and celebrate this landmark in our lives.
17. A person full of potential so maximize
Up to the age of 18, is meant to have the responsibility of adults. Now is the time to start planning for a successful future. I do not doubt, you will succeed in any field you choose.
18. Cheers to another year of blessing!
We are the best in more than a decade. I can’t imagine having to grow up without you. I will always cherish our friendship. Happy 18th birthday.
19. Special and gloriously Happy birthday!

20. Happy birthday with special card
When were 18 years old, you have small enough to enjoy your mistakes and grew to make and repair the mistake again. Happy birthday.
21. A goddaughter is a wonderful blessing
This year is a crucial year because you will be a stepping stone to life when turning 18. Work and study hard, but don’t forget to have fun so be strong and powerful that next steps to success. Happy birthday.
22. The absolute best day of your life
The thoughts, actions and attitudes today will become the platform on which you will build the rest of your life. Let’s make good decisions for your future shine. Happy 18th birthday.
23. Hope you’ll still be the son. Happy 18th birthday, Son!
24. Congratulations 18th happy birthday girl
18th Birthday Greeting Cards for Daughter/Son/Friend
1. Birthday cards are so beautiful for daughter
The discoveries will be shining. For us, you will always be the source that it never ends. Happy 18th birthday!
2. The 18th birthday card with dresses and handbags
I am lucky to have beautiful memories of your life with you. When you begin to explore the world for adults, I know that your ethics will guide you to bring joy to many people. Happy 18th birthday to my best friend.
3. The 18th Birthday Greeting Cards for my son with the lucky stars

This is the year that you are no longer young but not yet old. My only desire is to wish you to do things you haven’t satisfied. Happy 18th birthday.
4. The eighteenth birthday Cards with flowers and butterflies
5. So cute 18th birthday greeting cards 
Adulthood calling your name on your 18th birthday. You can have the road to live a life of purpose that you are proud to live. Happy birthday!
6. Have a cool 18th birthday card
When you turn 18 years old, I can not understand how quickly life passes by. I look at you and feel proud as I am now seeing an adult development stood in front of me.
7. Have a funny 18th birthday card

As the years passed, I can believe I’m giving you your 18th birthday wishes. Just know that no matter what obstacles might arise, I will always be there to guide you.
8. Basic happy 18th birthday greeting card

Happy 18th birthday! Welcome to adulthood! Now go pick up all your clothes off the floor and go make your bed!!
9. 18th birthday greeting cards with bubble.

Wishing you happiness and success in this world as we celebrate your 18th birthday. All you have to do is to do your part in getting up before noon! Ha-Ha! Happy 18th birthday!
10. Perfume card for 18th birthday
On your 18th birthday, I hope you have a wild and crazy party! But not too crazy! You’ve got old enough to be thrown in jail! Ha-Ha! Happy 18th birthday!
11. Wine and pink bubbly for 18th birthday
A bright future lies within 18 years. Show everyone how awesome you are by taking responsibility for your dreams!
12. Full party cards
Happy 18th birthday! Now you can legally do everything you’ve done since you left 15! Ha-Ha! Happy 18th birthday!
14. 18th birthday quotes on greeting card

15. Special 18th birthday wishes today with cards